Jing Hao Forum
Sponsored by Art Discovery Institute (http://www.artexplore.org)
9108 Church Street, Manassas, VA 20110, USA


一. 本論壇是學習中國古代繪畫的專業性網上學術刊物加論壇,主要側重於山水畫,但也歡迎對人物、花鳥等其它畫科的研究。時間範圍為唐宋和唐宋以前,本論壇也會考慮刊登關於唐宋繪畫對後期繪畫的影響的著作。
二. 本論壇提倡相互尊重、學術誠信、實事求是的作風。所發表的稿件均不代表顧問委員會或編輯部的觀點與意見。文章內容、圖、表及引文等著作權問題以及任何法律責任,由作者自行負責。
三. 論文稿件,字數要求不少於5000字。文件請存為Word或PDF格式。 文件名可使用英文字母及數字。某些瀏覽器無法正確識別文件名中的漢字。
四. 稿件可以署作者姓名或筆名。投稿必須註明作者真實姓名、工作單位、職稱或職務、電子信箱、電話號碼等。
五. 稿件必須提供漢或英文摘要;漢文500字左右,英文約400單詞。
六. 本論壇不接受兩投或多投稿件。稿件投於本論壇兩月內未收到錄用通知者,作者可自行處理,但如果兩月內被其它刊物刊登,作者承擔過錯責任。在〈未經評審論文〉組別刊登的論文,作者可自行處理,本論壇不對該組別中的稿件追索任何權利。
七. 本論壇編輯部賦予作者對於其已在本論壇發表的論文轉載、翻譯或製作衍生作品的權利;關於該類事務,本論壇不承擔著作權以及任何法律責任。
八. 本論壇編輯部對來稿有局部編輯刪改權。
九. 稿件採用網上投稿方式。如果網上投稿出現困難,可寄電子信至:editor@JinghaoForum.org。郵件標題欄必須標明:稿件+《論文標題》。如:稿件《斧劈皴演進考》。如果郵件投稿文件大於十兆(10MB),請分幾次電子郵寄或用Drop Box。
十. 本論壇不付稿酬,亦不收取任何費用。本論壇對未錄用稿件不提供評審信息。
十一. 除經本論壇編輯部全權自主決定外,所有論文在本論壇刊登後,將通過網絡對公眾開放,並能夠受到網上討論。

Jing Hao Forum Call for Papers - Terms and Instructions

1. The Jing Hao Forum (henceforth called Forum) is an online academic journal plus discussion forum devoted to the study of pre-modern Chinese painting, especially the shanshui (“mountain-and-river” or “landscape”) genre, but studies of other genres are welcome as well. The preferred time period is during or before the Tang-Song era (approx. early 7th-13th century), but works on Yuan, Ming, and early-mid Qing painting with significant discussion of Tang-Song or earlier influences will also be considered.
2. The Forum advocates mutual respect, academic integrity, and factually-based research. Articles published on the Forum do not reflect the opinion of its Advisory Board or editorial staff. The author is responsible for the contents of his or her article.
3. The article must have at least 5000 words. Accepted file format is PDF. The file name should include only letters, numbers, spaces and underscore; please note that special characters or Chinese characters may cause problems with some browsers.
4. An article may be published under a pen name if requested. Otherwise it will be published under the author’s real name. The initial submission must include the author’s real name, affiliation and contact information.
5. The article must include an abstract in either Chinese or English, not exceeding 500 Chinese characters or 400 English words.
6. The Forum will not accept articles that have already been submitted elsewhere for publication. If an article is not accepted for publication in the Forum within two months after the submission, the author may proceed with the article at will. The author bears legal fault if the article is published elsewhere within two months after submitting it to the Forum. The author may at any time proceed at will with articles submitted to and/or published under the Forum’s “Other Articles” section; the Forum seeks no rights of any kind over articles in this section.
7. The author has the right to reprint, translate, or derive new articles from his or her article published on the Forum, and concerning these affairs, the Forum will not be responsible for copyright or any other legal issue.
8. The Forum reserves the right to undertake minor editing of an article.
9. Articles are submitted to the Forum online. If submission fails, please email to editor@JinghaoForum.org. The subject line should begin with “Submission,” followed by the title of the article. If the email cannot be delivered due to the file size (over 10 MB), please compress the file or break it up into several smaller files, and mail them separately, or share via Drop Box.
10. The Forum will not give monetary compensation to the author for the publication or his/her article. It will not provide detailed feedback on articles that are not accepted.
11. Each article, when published on the Forum, will become publicly accessible online and open to discussion via online postings, unless otherwise determined by the Forum’s editorial staff according to its sole discretion.