Jing Hao Forum
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《荊浩論壇》學術顧問團 Jing Hao Forum Advisory Board

張法 (Zhang, Fa) 中國人民大學哲學院
張法,重慶人,中國人民大學哲學院教授(1998~),博士生導師(1999~),長江學者(2005),國務院學位委員會第六屆哲學學科評議組成員(2008~), 中華美學學會副會長(2009~)。 美國哈佛大學訪問學者(1896~1997),加拿大多倫多大學訪問學者(2002~2003),霍英東基金獎獲得者(1994)。 獨自撰寫著作有《美學導論》《中國美學史》《中國美學史上的體系性著作研究》《中國藝術:歷程與精神》《20世紀西方美學史》《中西美學與文化精神》 《20世紀中西美學原理體係比較研究》《文藝與中國現代性》《走向全球化時代的文藝理論》《佛教藝術》等18種, 合著4種,主編4種,論文200餘篇,主要研究領域有:美學,審美文化,思想史。 目前,作為第一首席專家,主持馬克思主義理論研究和建設工程教育部第一批哲學社會科學重點教材《中國美學史》的編寫。
Zhang Fa has been a professor in the School of Philosophy at Renmin University of China since 1998. Professor Zhang is Director of Aesthetics Institute, doctoral advisor. He is a member of the sixth philosophical disciplines review group of Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council since 2008. He’s a Changjiang Scholar, and Vice President of the Chinese Society for Aesthetics. He has been a visiting scholar at the Harvard-Yenching Institute (1998) and University of Toronto (2002-2003), and an awardee of the Fok Ying Tung Foundation Fund (1994). His research specializations include: aesthetics, aesthetic culture, and the history of ideas. He is the author of 18 academic books, including award-winning textbooks Introduction to Aesthetics, History of Chinese Aesthetics, Chinese Arts: Process and Essence; and A Study of Systemic Academic Works in Chinese Aesthetic History; History of Western Aesthetics in the 20th Century; Chinese and Western Aesthetics and Cultural Spirit; A Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Aesthetic Conceptual Systems in the 20th Century; Literature, Art and Chinese Modernity; Literary and Art Theories of the Global Age; and Buddhist art; and the co-author of four scholarly books. He has also edited four academic books, and authored over 200 academic papers, including On the Characteristics of Systemic Academic Works about Aesthetics in Ancient China, Two Key words in Art Theory: Traditionalism and Modernism, and The Chinese Topography of Art Theory. Professor Zhang has been teaching courses such as Chinese Aesthetic History, Chinese Aesthetics, and Buddhist Art at Renmin University. Currently he’s leading, as First Chief Expert, the writing and compilation of a series of core textbooks in philosophy and social sciences under the serial title Chinese Aesthetic History.
袁有根 (Yuan, Yougen) 山西師範大學美術學院
袁有根 1941年生,山西高平人。 1965年畢業於山西師院中文系。現為中國美術家協會會員,曾任山西師範大學中國書畫文化研究所副所長,教授。 長期致力於國畫創作和美術史論研究。 《傲雪》、《涓涓流水呦呦鹿鳴》、《楚天覽勝》等作品分別收入《中國美術選集》、《世界美術作品選集》、《世界美術集》(華人卷)、《偉大的複興》 、《中華驕子》、《強國豐碑》、《創作與繁榮》等大型畫集和文獻。 在學術上主持完成了全國藝術科學“八五”規劃課題《<歷代名畫記>研究》“九五”規劃課題《顧愷之研究》。 在《文藝研究》、《新美術》等雜誌發表論文近三十篇,四十餘萬字。 出版有《解讀荊浩》、《<歷代名畫記>研究》、《吳道子研究》、《顧愷之研究》、《耕牛畫集》。 凡是涉及到荊浩的地方,袁有根教授都親去考察。有的地方,如荊浩故里和隱居地之考察達四五次以至七八次。 袁有根教授進行了大且嚴謹而認真的考證,並查閱了很多縣市地方志,還和美國納爾遜·艾亨斯藝術博物館、美國弗利爾美術館、日本大阪市立美術館、台北故宮博物院取得聯繫,獲得了國內得不到的信息資料。
Yuan Yougen, a former Professor and Deputy Director of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Research Institute at Shanxi Normal University in China, is currently a member of China Artists Association. Graduated in 1965 from the Chinese Department at Shanxi Teacher’s College, Professor Yuan has long been committed to the artistic creation of Chinese paintings and academic research of Chinese art history. His works of Chinese paintings, such as “Defying Frost and Snow”, “Water Trickling and Deer Grunting”, and “Taking in the Scenery of the Chu Kingdom”, have been included in large print albums of paintings and annals such as Selected Works of Chinese Fine Arts, Selected Works of World Fine Arts, An Anthology of World Fine Arts (Volume of Chinese Artists), Great Renaissance, Golden Boys of Chinese Nation, National Monuments of A Rising Nation, Creation and Prosperity. In the academic realm, he has led the completion of key national arts and science research projects such as “Studies of ‘Li Dai Ming Hua Ji (<历代名画记>)’” and “A Study of Gu Kaizhi”. He has published about 30 research papers in journals such as Literature and Art Studies and New Fine Art. His book publications include Interpreting Jing Hao, Studies of the ‘Li Dai Ming Hua Ji’, A Study of Wu Daozi, A Study of Gu Kaizhi, and A Collection of Gengniu Paintings. Professor Yuan has investigated to all places associated with Jing Hao, some of which, such as Jing Hao’s home village and secluded residence, he has visited up to seven or eight times. Professor Yuan conducted meticulous field research as well as archival research on numerous local chronicles (including at the county level). He has also established relationship with and obtained research data from the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art and the Freer Gallery of Art in the U.S., the Osaka Municipal Museum of Fine Art in Japan, and the National Palace Museum of Taiwan, which would be inaccessible to him otherwise, with the support of the above-mentioned museums.
Allison R. Miller (阿利森•米勒) SOUTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY
西南大學 (美國)