Jing Hao Forum
Sponsored by Art Discovery Institute (http://www.artexplore.org)
9108 Church Street, Manassas, VA 20110, USA

《荊浩論壇》 是由美術探索研究院(Art Discovery Institute)創辦的,以研究和介紹唐至南宋時期山水畫藝術為主的網上學術刊物。希望本論壇能夠為推動中國古代山水畫史,乃至中國美術史的研究,提供一個面向世界的平台。我們的機構也在組建中。誠請相關機構、學院(系)、博物館和相關教授、研究員加入。如果您有興趣,并願意為本論壇的建設和發展賜予智慧,請將您的聯繫方式傳給我們。 中國古代山水繪畫史源遠流長,最早可能追溯到象形文字時期。然而可以考證的山水畫作品,可能僅從兩晉和南北朝時期開始。直至隋唐,存世的樣本也寥若晨星。雖然明清時期山水畫存世量數萬計,但是從明代開始,山水畫的創新思維似乎沉寂,倣古也很少有佳跡。本論壇的重點將致力於探索、研究、發掘唐、五代和北、南兩宋時期的山水畫、山水畫家和山水畫史。荊浩無疑是在這個階段最具有代表性的人物之一... ... 閱讀全文

《荊浩論壇》 编辑部
The Jing Hao Forum, founded by the Art Discovery Institute, is an online academic journal focusing on the introduction and study of Chinese mountain-and-river (shan shui) paintings from the Tang Dynasty through the Southern Song Dynasty, approximately early 7th through 13th century. Premodern Chinese mountain-and-river painting has a long history, with origins possibly traceable to the period of pictographs (xiangxing wenzi). (“Mountain-and-river” is commonly translated as “landscape,” but it is rather different from Western landscape paintings in concept, culture, philosophy, and methodologies.) However, the earliest documented works were only from the Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties (265-589). Even surviving examples from the Sui and Tang dynasties (581-907) are very few. Although thousands of Ming and Qing-era (1368-1911) paintings survived, ones with innovative thinking seem few and far between since the Ming. This journal will be dedicated to the exploration, research, and discovery of mountain-and-river paintings and their painters, and the history of this genre. As Jing Hao (circa mid-9th to early 10th century) was undoubtedly one of the most important founding figures of mountain-and-river paintings... ... Read the entire article

Jing Hao Forum Editors